Potrero Gateway Park is a community initiative to improve the neglected space around 101 and under the freeway, between San Bruno, Vermont, and 17th streets. Major design goals are to improve the usability, safety, and cleanliness of the open space. Since 2019 an additional goal is to demonstrate the ecological value of using CA native plants in the landscape.
Phase 1 Project Components (SF Public Works and SFMTA)
- Corner Bulb-outs with retaining walls and native planting
- Traffic Calming -Vermont only 2 one way lanes
- Protected Bike Lane
- Widened Sidewalk
- Public Art – Sculptures
- New Pedestrian Lighting
- Local Native Landscaping
- New metal fence to replace chainlink
- Slope Stabilization – Caltrans type Rock Blanket under the freeway overpass
Neighborhood and Green Benefit District (GBD) Projects
- Native Habitat Demonstration Garden- the Eco-Patch (YB CNPS + volunteers)
- Vermont Street west lane replaced with greening, parallel parking remains (GBD)
Shortening the crosswalks and reducing traffic, the bulbouts will include retaining walls featuring native plants connected to the Eco-Patch.

ART- SFAC Public Art project
Working with both Public Works and the SF Art Commission Public Art, FUTUREFORMS was chosen to create art along the 17th Street canvas which includes retaining walls, existing large pylons and lighting. More to come as development progresses
After PW needed adjustments to be made to the location of the retaining walls, FUTUREFORMS came up with a new sculpture. Their newest rendering was shared in April with the PGP Art subcommittee (note: the plants and wall color are placeholders). The change also helps the sculptures blend wiht the blue Caltrans paint.

Metamorphosis ( DRAFT)
Artist: Jason Kelly Johnson & Nataly Gattegno Futureforms, 2023
The word Metamorphosis originates from Ancient Greek meaning “transformations”. The Metamorphsis sculptures consist of two pairs of stacked spheeical figures that precariously transform, evolve and dematerialize as they grow towards the sky.
This project was presented to the GBD on July 21, 2021: PW+SFAC Presentation
The team’s goal is to widen 17th Street southside sidewalk to make room for two way pedestrian traffic, add a median to separate cars from bikes and insure that the turn areas used by bikes and cars are safe. The drawing below from Public Works and SFMTA contains ideas proposed by the team. The idea is to keep parallel parking on the west side of the Vermont 400 block and add angle parking on the Vermont 300 block to compensate for the lost parking on 17th street and at the bulb-out. Additional features are to be added to 17th Street to make turn lanes safer.

Vermont Greenway – A GBD project – CCG grant award
The Dogpatch and NW Potrero Hill GBD was awarded almost $150,000 for the Vermont Greenway which will replace one lane on Vermont Street 400 block. The GBD will work with the neighbors and the YB CNPS to select the native landscaping for the sidewalk gardens.

Native Habitat Test Garden – Eco-Patch
Initiated with the help of Field-Collective volunteer landscape architects and the Yerba Buena CA Native Plant Society, the Eco-Patch is 1000 sq ft containing eight plant archetypes. The test garden will produce examples of native plants that will prosper in local back yards and urban spaces.
For more information:
Test Garden
Plant Mixes
Double Gate Example

Phase 2 – San Bruno Avenue Options – 2021
Public Works landscape team offered three options for San Bruno Avenue. Reactions are recorded in the April meeting minutes. The landscape team promised to come back with two alternatives.

Followup Meeting with Public Works: Continuiiong the work to find a solution for San Bruno Avenue, Public Works provided Option A and Option B. After discussing these options with the Steering committee and neighbors, the Steering Committee proposed Option C Belor are Public Works Option A and B as well as the Steering Committee’s Option C

Potrero Gateway Phase 2 – San Bruno Avenue Team – 2023
Learning that Public Works was willing to take on the Phase 2 San Bruno Avenue project as the Agency. a subcommittie of Patricia, Steven, Sheldon and Jean started filling out forms requested by Public Works.

Phase 2 – Vermont Hillside Native Plants Master Plan