Project Documents

The Potrero Gateway Park project is a neighborhood initated project which aims to convert problematic open space owned by Caltrans into a public asset.

Baumans letter to neighbors about starting at the end of February: Project Announcement

Surface Design Presentstion to Eco-Patch team and Response to Surface Design

Bauman’s Notice December 2022: 30 Day Notice

Presented to GBD Board on October 2022: Surfacedesign Greenway ideas

Presentation to the GBD Board Sept 21, 2022: PGP Location , Annotated PGP Plans

City Agency and Other Presentations made to the PGP Steering Committee:

*February Public Works Update Presenation: Presentation

*GBD Community Challenge Grant Application for Vermont Walkway: Application

View Page

*Public Works December 2022: San Bruno Phase 2 Plan cost estimate
*Public Works December 2022: Phase 2 Plan

*Public Works – Caltrans Encroachment Permit: LINK

*Public works : Partial 95% Submittal
*Public Works: 65% Plan
*Public Works April 23 2021
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* Public Works March 15, 2021: Bike Draft
* Public Works February 1, 2021: The 35% Plan
* Public Works September 24,2020: PW 17th St Schedule
* SF Art Commission Report June 2020: Potrero Gateway Art Enrichment Report
* Public Works May 6,2020: 2949J_L_BASE VERMONT ST PLAN
* Public Works April 2020: Potrero Gateway – SFAC Cost Estimates 2020-07-10
* Public Works March 2, 2020: Potrero Loop Stakeholder Mtg_3_2_20

Freeway Splits the Neighborhood in 1953: Historical Presentstion

Vision and Scope September 2019: PGP Vision and Scope