The Eco-Patch test garden is divided into eight zones that will each contain a different combination of plants. These will be monitored to ensure site suitability, dynamic seasonal changes and aesthetic harmony. The development of the Eco-Patch strategy and plant lists are the work of landscape architects Field Collective. For a file that contains the same information as the website upload Plant Archetype.
Plant study area 1:

Landscape Inspiration:
“The dune scrub community is found on inland dunes landward of the foredune community. It is characterized by densley-packed shrubs interspersed with scattered areas of grasses, wildflowers and open sand.” –
Our design response to test:
- Select plant species that would naturally grow in this community that are native to San Francisco
- Cluster mid-size shrub planting together and cluster lower level planting together so that variation massing/ height
variation is clear

Groundcover Layer (50%)F
ragaria chiloensis
Filler Species (5-10%)
Achillea millefolium
Seasonal Layer (25-40%)
Armeria maritima v californica
Erigeron glaucus
Structural Layer(10-15%)
Eriogonum latifolium
Lupinus albifrons
Eriophyllum staechadifolium