Open Garden this Saturday
June 17 from 2pm to 4pm
400 BLock vermotn Street


Join the Eco-Patch team and see how the CA Native Plants are dong these last dry months. They has a good watering in the winter. Come see how they are doing. What will we have for you to do?

  • If you download iNaturalist to your mobile phone, we’ll show you how to use it in the hillside.
  • We encourage you to look at the plants that have survived a drought and then a rainfall and we’ll tell you all about them.  Some will work well in  your backyard.
  • We will have some possibly home-made refreshments for you to share.
  • .We will provide paper bags for weeds that you are able to pull out  if you are so inclined.
  • Depending on who comes to help, we may have other tasks for you!
  • We have four rescued  Douglas Iris, that need a home
Rescued Douglas Iris that need a home