
The Potrero Gateway Park  Project focuses on the Caltrans right-of-way area between the four streets: 17th and Mariposa, San Bruno and Vermont.   The goal is to transform neglected open space into positive active open space.  To do this we are adding
       *    Art Under the Bridge
       *    Upgraded bike lane on 17th
       *    Bulbouts at corners for pedestrian safety
       *    Native Habitat Demonstration Garden
       *    Green Wall/Fence where needed to replace chainlink

Existing Conditions 0

Ideas for Art Under the Bridge include Lighting and Movement.  The Project is working with the San Francisco Arts Commission on this part of the project.

City Agency and Other Presentations made to the PGP Steering Committee:
* Public Works March 2, 2020: Potrero Loop Stakeholder Mtg_3_2_20
* Public Works April 2020: Potrero Gateway – SFAC Cost Estimates 2020-07-10
* Public Works May 6,2020: 2949J_L_BASE VERMONT ST PLAN
* SF Art Commission Report June 2020: Potrero Gateway Art Enrichment Report


Upgrade the Bike Lane

The team’s goal is to widen 17th Street southside sidewalk to make room for two way pedestrian traffic, add a median to separate cars from bikes and insure that the turn areas used by bikes and cars are safe. The drawing below contains ideas proposed by the team.


Increase Sidewalk Size

The 17th Street Sidewalk between Vermont and San Bruno forces walkers to use the street when needing to pass folks coming from the opposite direction. Extending the sidewalk back to the pillars holding up the bridge will allow us to create at least a 9ft sidewalk.

Bulbouts at Corners

Once pedestrians arrive at the corners crossing the street can be a challenge, especially at Vermont Street where folks have exited the freeway and often are in a rush to get where they are going. That corner has been identified as a corner wiht high accident rates. To increase safety, the plan is to add bulbouts. This makes the corners more visible to cars and bikes and makes the crossing distance less.


In order to greatly improve the pedestrian experience as well as discourage camping, the project is wotking with the San Francisco Art Commission to create Art Under the Bridge. Following the SFAC process, anbd RFQ will be issued and then and RFP to three winners of the RFQ. The neighborhood committee is interected in light and color under the bridge and has created som examples.

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